Follow along as I dive head first down the rabbit hole and embark on the biggest adventure of my life: studying abroad in Salamanca, Spain!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Rabbit in a Waistcoat

Sadly, the dance class didn't happen tonight. Joanne has been feeling sick all day and we didn't want to go without her. But that's ok because she found out about another class that starts at 8:00pm instead of 11:00! I know that the night life here is a big part of the culture and people stay out until all hours of the night, but I don't think I've been here long enough to adjust to that yet.

The first day of classes was pretty interesting. Cristina walked me to the building to make sure I found it without any trouble, but we thought we were in the wrong place when we got there and all the lights were off. There was a minute of confusion before we found out the lights had been cut off on the entire street, so half the building was in the dark! My first class had to be relocated to the half of the building that sat on the other street so that we could actually see each other. Honestly, I was kind of dreading that first class. It's two hours long, and every class I've had that lasted longer than an hour and a half always seemed to drag by. This one was different though, it seemed like we were just getting started when the professor announced that an hour had gone by and we could take a 10 minute break. The second hour went by even faster, and before I knew it we were moving on to the next class. This one was on the half of the building without lights, and when one of the students asked why we were told "it's a conversation class, you don't need lights to talk!" The first two classes were pretty uneventful. The professors went over what we would be working on throughout the course and had us all introduce ourselves and tell the class a little bit about us so that we could get to know one another. The professor for my culture class couldn't be there today so someone else had to stand in. Because of that, I'm not really sure how that class will go, all I can tell you is I know next to nothing about Spain's culture. That's a bit embarrassing to admit, but I'm really looking forward to learning all about it!

Once I was done with class I had lunch at Cristina's restaurant and then came back to the apartment for a glorious two hour nap. The siesta after lunch is probably one of my favorite parts about being here, I love sleep so much! After that I met up with some girls from my culture class to do some shopping. I didn't see a whole lot of stuff I liked, which was a little disappointing, but I stumbled across something in the last store that completely made my day.

That's right, I went down the rabbit hole and found the white rabbit!! The English major in me nearly squealed in delight and did a happy dance when I saw this shirt. I'm pretty sure I did hug it a couple of times, but only because no one was around to see me do it. :)

I'm pretty excited about my classes. The professors I got to meet today were all really nice and I didn't have a problem understanding them. The students are also very friendly. One girl that's in all three of my classes, Danielle, was telling me about the time her group spent in Madrid and Toledo before coming to Salamanca. Everything she was telling me sounded so wonderful, I can't wait until I get to see it as well! I'm not sure when I'll be able to make it to Madrid, hopefully soon, but the University is sponsoring a trip to Toledo this Saturday. I think that's something I will definitely have to look into.

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